APRIL 28, 2021






While most 8-year-olds were working on basic reading, writing, and arithmetic, Maya Penn was busy launching her eco-friendly fashion company, Maya’s Ideas. Now at the ripe age of 21, Penn’s resume includes entrepreneur, philanthropist, animator, artist, and CEO. As a major environmental activist, Penn has spoken at TED talks around the country and has received commendation from President Barack Obama for outstanding achievement in environmental stewardship. 

The young advocate is without a doubt a force to be reckoned with. With climate change being one of the biggest issues facing our generation, Penn is out to raise as much awareness as possible to get us all on board to do our part to protect mother nature. She recently took a few moments out of her busy schedule and the multiple hats she wears to discuss sustainable fashion, environmental activism, and who inspires her with AS IF Magazine

Maya Penn

AS IF Magazine: You became a businesswoman at the age of eight, and I’m not talking about a lemonade stand. You started your own clothing line, Maya’s Ideas, that produces sustainable clothing and accessories. Tell me about Maya’s Ideas.

Maya: I’ve always had a passion for fashion, art and design, but I’ve also had a passion for the natural world and the environment. As I became more curious about the impact the fashion industry has on the environment, I started doing my own research. As of now, the fashion industry emits 1.2 billion tons of carbon emissions per year. The statistics and my research really drove me to want to create an eco-friendly fashion alternative. So, it was not only a creative outlet for me, but it was a way to spread awareness about the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry. I started doing this back in 2008 when the topic wasn’t discussed in mainstream conversation. It’s only just now becoming a conversation. My priority has always been to give back through my business, to donate at least 10% of my profits to environmental organizations, women and girls charities, and also to use organic, recycled and vintage materials in my designs. Maya’s Ideas has become a global brand and my clients include Whoopi Goldberg and Samuel L. Jackson. It’s really amazing to see how my company has inspired people to take a look at how their wardrobe can contribute to a greener lifestyle. 

Tell me how you make sustainable fashion for Maya’s Ideas?

When I first started, I was using vintage clothing and fabric that I had around the house. As my company started to evolve, I started to create new designs. As I traveled, I would go to vintage stores and estate sales and find, for example, a gorgeous fabric from the 50s, or a gorgeous corduroy print that I wanted to turn into something because I didn’t want it to end up in a landfill. I’m utilizing vintage clothing that needs a second life, and I’m taking all of these different elements and creating something completely new to extend the life cycle of the materials. 

Do you also create your own patterns and sew things yourself?

I do create my own patterns, I also create my own prototypes for my designs. I collaborate with other local artisans to make batches and a lot of my pieces are limited since I’m using a fabric that I only have a few yards of. That's the beauty of sustainable fashion! When you look at the world of fast fashion and how much over-production there is within the fashion industry, it’s really important for me to take a different approach and do the opposite. I want to focus on slow fashion and create collections that are better for the environment and my customers like unique and one of a kind items.